Apology for Brutalizing Cursor's Dev Team

Sorry, I am so sorry for how mean I’ve been to you guys, I understand that it’s tough for you guys to be building a piece of software that hundreds of thousands of not only engineers but engineering teams across the world are using and relying on to get their code out properly. I can only imagine how tough it can be.

However, 0.44 is insanely bad.

The reason I am apologizing is not to be nice but because maybe switching my communication style will get across how awful this is. I tried .44 when it was .2 or .3 and it was so bad that I instantly reverted to .43.

I’ve periodically over the past month tried different updated versions of 0.44 to see if it got better and it did not.

With one update cursor has taken their software from an A- software to a C-software.

If you guys want me to come to the headquarters and work on it, I will do it. I will work all day. I will not sleep. It seems I care more about this software than the team does. You guys have too much funding. too many smart people. This is unacceptable.

As an out_of_the_loop-er…

Here is my constructive sounding-board for your comment:

Can you fill us others in (as you mentioned there are thousands of us others) – on:

What building

How use cursor

What fail

Open codebase in two diff versions, attempt same action, benchmark?

Have others reproduce same?

how many of us thousands have your exact issue, unresolved, found fix?

I am not minimizing your frustration, and while I am not doing any production work with cursor, I have the following approach:

  1. I recognize that this is a Computing Amenity and tool that is brand spanking new. We dont even have a mature lexicon or language yet.

  2. Everything is moving at hyper speed.

  3. Try ‘Cursor Setup 0.42.5 - Build 24111460bf2loz1.exe’ (the long context version)

more than just gripe.

Hi everyone,

I’m interested in understanding how to select a specific version of Cursor for use. Could you please provide guidance on this process? Additionally, if there are any best practices or recommendations for choosing between different versions, I would appreciate your insights.

Thank you!

What isn’t working as you hope in 0.44?

We have many customers who are happy with Cursor’s latest versions - although that doesn’t mean Cursor is perfect, we definitely have room to improve!

After posting this, I thought it would be funny when Cursor is at the point where we cant tell the Bots to Cannibalize itself from older versions…

One of the things I am working on slowly is the integration of Everything Search into my cursor experience… (because I want to be able to write my little windows scriptlets and have it use everything to find stuff, as its far greater than default Windows)

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