"Connection failed" - Caused by prompt itself?

Thought the LLM is unreachable when I got this error in the chat. But it seems to be a problem of the prompt itself? It’s reproducible with below:

Now add a method that creates an index out of the first “n” pages (default is 10) as JSON structured as “area” (e.g. “ERP”) “technical_name” (e.g. ERP_05), “ai_solution_name” (e.g. SAP Cash Application, add-on for contract accounting), “start_slide_no” (e.g. 150), “end_slide_no” (e.g. 155). use the sap gen ai hub with langchain to connect to the llm and JSON output parser and the structure defined as a class. (at)ai_services_kb.py (at)Langchain - JSON Output Parser (Py) (at)SAP AI GenAI Hub SDK Langchain (Py)

Can we fix this? Or what is my mistake?