Cursor Tab causing Cursor to crash

In certain instances, I’m running into an issue using Cursor Tab where I press “Tab” to accept a change and Cursor completely freezes, eventually having to be restarted. I’ve noticed it when it’s suggesting both a deletion and addition of code at the same time based on the highlighted text, so maybe it’s related to that.

I attached a screenshot of where it freezes:
Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 1.39.09 PM

Happened to me as well once. It would completely freeze on accepting the suggestion, and after reloading the window it would keep freezing on using Tab for that particular suggestion.

i also experienced this , mainly when editing .env files

Hi @camm73

It could be the linter or another extension crashing Cursor. To check, try disabling extensions and loading in --disable-extensions mode.

Yeah that’s the same behavior I’ve seen

Just ran Cursor with all extensions disabled and made the same edit, but I’m still seeing it crash

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I would love to help debug this, could you share the request id of the suggestion? You can find this by going to

Terminal, Output > Cursor Tab.
Then looking at the uuid after the most recent request.

And would also be helpful if you could share additional details with me over email: For example the file contents that cause it to crash and the location of the edit.

Let me know! would love to help debug this.

Just to follow-up here: I was unable to re-create this issue and don’t have the UUID of the original requests unfortunately. Have not run into any more crashes in the past month

@amanrs just ran into this issue again. Since Cursor is crashing when I re-open it and open the Cursor Tab Output, it doesn’t include the request ID which caused the crash. Are logs stored elsewhere that would include it?

This should be fixed in the latest update (0.44) which is rolling out. Please let us know if you see it again!

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Just ran into the issue again. @amanrs I just emailed you the problematic file and screenshot of the recommended edit that made it crash