Gentle reminder: readthe forum first, and the general zeitgeist of the room (internet) and you’ll be much more Tool’d-Up to ask the Cursor community such profundities as:
1- given the chatter on HN re: deepseeek shall sink OAI and such…
2-Deepseek is much greater context and blah blah.
(i dont need to delineate…)
The true Elephant in the room (no, not you (yet, Postgres) – is:
How does deepseek’s context window and ability to be not_tied to else_model result in how Cursor (as a both Company and Technology) provide and adapt:
Will the value of Cursor IDE to the user be based on the Cursor [eco_system, model, provider, US/CN, etc…
Where is Cursor in this Hiarchy of needs.
Now - given their immense (and quiet impact) on the greater SWE mindscape (do you for once think that EVERAY SINGLE red_team in the WORLD hasnt been hammering the ■■■■ out of Agenti Comput - and specifically Cursor on every desktop…
(as they already had $$billion solutions (think ye olde IBM, CITRIX, SIEMENS, AS/400 (thanks Maxwell InQtel) (yeah yeah, we know the cabal… (palantir and splunk be damned, but we wont even start with DarkApp (everyone knows the ‘DarkWeb’ – The DarkState is far more insidious (it built the DW to feed itself… (CodeLaundering)
Cursor IS the IDE step_stone – and its not about the model - its about the modality for users to utilise…
'25 is the literally first step of the coyboyboot’s on the moon of mars via AI. YeeHaw