How does Cursor behave with large projects?

Hi @pland ,

If you are new to AI coding assistants, I would add to also be mindful of the tips pointed out in this video (not specifically related to Cursor):

The video covers things like:

:brain: Principal 01 - Set realistic expectations for AI
:arrows_counterclockwise: Principal 02 - Embrace iterative development
:hammer_and_wrench: Tip 01 - Prepare your coding assistant for tasks
:no_entry_sign: Tip 02 - Specify what you don’t want the assistant to do
:wrench: Tip 03 - Fix bugs by showing the assistant the error
:mag: Tip 04 - Work in small, focused units
:clipboard: Tip 05 - Always review code updates
:toolbox: Tip 06 - Choose and master a particular AI toolset
:bulb: Tip 07 - Think ROI when considering AI costs

Personally, I stick to trying to complete small tasks, one at a time.

If I try and do more than that (which I sometimes do), I end up regretting it because there are just too many places in the code that I have to mentally review to ensure I have taken the right approach. This can lead to being overwhelmed because you are literally doing 10 things at once and possibly introducing code and conventions that are not as ‘perfect’ as they need to be to ensure congruency with the rest of your codebase. You then have to go back and undo things to get back on track and more carefully introduce code that sits well with the conventions in the rest of your codebase.

And here are some Cursor-related usage tips that might be of assistance when first starting out: