How to open cursor from terminal

It works for me. Thanks

thank you it was helpful

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this works and i have also been trying to run it in the background using & or nohup but hard luck it closes when i close the terminal

cursor() {
    /opt/cursor.AppImage --no-sandbox "$@" &
cursor() {
    nohup /opt/cursor.AppImage --no-sandbox "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 &

this is not okay. i’m paying for pro (edit: paid), and it works on Mac, but the install script to get the majorly useful CLI command still fails in Linux and is not available in the command palette. I guess Linux simply isn’t supported. And no, I’m not hacking around to get something working when I’m paying money for it…

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Just for other people coming here, this is my final version (so far). This allows me to run the cursor command without seeing any output, and be able to close the terminal without exiting cursor. The extra parenthesis launches it in a subshell, suppressing the output from nohup

cursor() {
  # Run the cursor command and suppress background process output completely
  (nohup cursor "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 &)