Login from EDGE browser Error!!!

Login from web, out message Error info: Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information).

F12 Enter the developer mode and the console displays the following error message:

cfa57ef9-8c69df03e7fadc15.js:1 Uncaught Error: Minified React error #418; visit Minified React error #418 – React for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
at ry (cfa57ef9-8c69df03e7fadc15.js:1:30387)
at rv (cfa57ef9-8c69df03e7fadc15.js:1:31348)
at cfa57ef9-8c69df03e7fadc15.js:1:114805
at us (cfa57ef9-8c69df03e7fadc15.js:1:119056)
at uo (cfa57ef9-8c69df03e7fadc15.js:1:111597)
at cfa57ef9-8c69df03e7fadc15.js:1:107680
at cfa57ef9-8c69df03e7fadc15.js:1:107687
at i4 (cfa57ef9-8c69df03e7fadc15.js:1:107778)
at u_ (cfa57ef9-8c69df03e7fadc15.js:1:128154)
at MessagePort.T (4184-584b6789ca0f511d.js:1:105979)

DOMException: Failed to execute ‘insertBefore’ on ‘Node’: The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not a child of this node.
at oI (https://www.cursor.com/_next/static/chunks/cfa57ef9-8c69df03e7fadc15.js:1:86250)
at oI (ditto:1:86331)
at o1 (ditto:1:95806)
at o0 (ditto:1:90436)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:92842)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:92842)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:92842)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:90428)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:90428)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:92842)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:92842)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:92842)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:90428)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:92842)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:93609)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:93609)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:90428)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:90428)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:90428)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:93609)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:90428)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:93609)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:90428)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:92842)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:93609)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:93609)
at oZ (ditto:1:90306)
at o0 (ditto:1:90428)
l @ 4184-584b6789ca0f511d.js:1
VM41:731 Edge revert page translation.

I assure God I have updated the latest browser version and removed the browser cache and cookies and disabled all browser plugins!!

Hey, try another browser, like Google Chrome.