Seems this question is still waiting to be solved in latest 0.45.2 ? Thanks for any reminder.
I’ve tested the exact same setup with cursor and vscode and only cursor seems to be having these problems. For me it will just hang in the "Reconnecting to… "loop at some point, so I have to reload the window, which is pretty annoying at some point, especially if there have been large changes after the reconnection failure that do not get captured and are gone after the reload.
hey? since 4 month I’m looking for people who have the same issue than me,
sometimes, I can code for 30min and it’s all smooth, and sometimes, after 10min, it’s super slow even if I got 32go ram, and a I5 CPU.
I can’t even click on a function, open a folder which contain files, save files, everything is super slow, my mouse is slow etc, on vs code I try to code for hours, and nothing wrong, when I close cursor my mouse come back smooth etc
cursor have a issue but I don’t know what,why, how.
When this is super slow, I try to refresh then I got “cursor reloading the window is taking a bit longer” like for 30sec sometimes, then an error popup window happened with error reloading, close, reopen, etc
Since the first day I use cursor this is happened, in 7 hours work I need to reload 10-20 times cursor, copilot doesn’t work because this is so slow, chat is lagging, navigate in files is lagging.
Hey, can you try run the Open Process Explorer
command when you witness one of these slowdowns, and see if anything sticks out there? It’s possible an extension you use is poorly coded, and is slowly eating away at your resources as you code!
I’ve run that and not seen anything particularly concerning. I dont think the CPU column actually works, it shows all zeros and the memory column is using max 188MB. Ubuntu 22.04. Weird performance as well, sometimes no worries, but today it is unusable.