Version 0.44.8 feels really good now

Are you talking about a Scope document or something else? I use scope documents for features broadly, and sometimes use a context-history document when I find the AI is getting trapped in a loop.

I use a scope document by prompting like this.
“{I explain the feature that I want built}
Create a file called and include a plain language summary of the feature I’ve asked you to build. Describe the functionality and business logic in detail. Then create a checklist of the components required to bring this to life, as well as a list of the files that they will be in. Break the requirements of the features and tests into logical steps.”

I start with something like this, then after the file is created and I review/tweak it, I’ll usually start a fresh Composer agent (so it doesn’t undo my changes), and prompt it like this:
“I want you to create the feature detailed in ‘’ work through the requirements step by step, and update the checklist as you go. Do not make any changes to beyond marking the checklist as complete without my approval. Let me know when you’ve completed each step”

I use review the code between each step. This keeps the agent from getting side-tracked and allows me to review the changes in manageable chunks. Sometimes I will ask it to write tests for each step and iterate on the tests until everything is passing. This works really well with YOLO mode, which I have set to allow the agent to run tests but do little else.

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