Why does Cursor not show the file path every time it creates a new file for me?

Yeah set it in rules, but also in a project instructions.rmd file and keep refering to it in context. Check my post history for some examples - and I can feed you some gists if you want for what I have bnen wokring on to force certain behavior of the Composer Agents

Document Description Link
Agentic Workflow System Comprehensive guide to multi-agent workflow orchestration and documentation database as Source of Truth View
Development Standards Core principles, file structure, and coding standards for Cursor IDE development View
Environment Configuration Template and guidelines for project environment setup View
Project Structure Standard project layout and directory organization View
Database Documentation Database schema, migration, and maintenance standards View

Key Features:

  • :books: Complete documentation system for Cursor IDE development
  • :robot: Multi-agent workflow orchestration framework
  • :file_cabinet: Centralized documentation database as Source of Truth
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Standardized interfaces for agent communication
  • :bar_chart: Comprehensive tracking and analytics
  • :mag: Built-in validation and quality assurance
  • :rocket: Scalable and extensible architecture

These documents provide a foundation for building complex, multi-agent systems with Cursor IDE while maintaining consistency and traceability across all project artifacts.

Look at my other posts about self documenting agents:


ITS STILL WRANGLING CATS with these fn Agents - but YOLO makes it a much smoother experience as it will respond to its own errors and iterate to a solution, which is sublime.