Having some issues that have made Cursor unusable:
code changes no longer show the + / - counts - now i need to manually review code and see how many lines are being added or removed before approving/rejecting a code change
“User aborted request” frequently when I am not aborting
“Error calling tool” frequently
very clear instructions about maintaining code and making minimal changes are not being respected. (“make sure to not remove existing code” - removing 1-2k lines of code
I need to revert to 0.46.3 , and can’t find any officially support method of doing this, am i missing something?
welp, i rarely ever use Time Machine, but great example of when this was useful. now running 0.46.3 . I have seen other threads the request to officially roll back versions through a feature - I would 100% +1 that
for what it’s worth, this immediately solved itself when i manually reverted to 0.46.3 . i don’t think its an issue with Claude 3.7.
I also now need to manually back up Cursor every time I update which is a pain and a dumb workaround, would be great to get official support for rolling back versions