[$500 bounty] Xcode integration

I will pay a $500 bounty for someone who builds the following:

  • Get swift language support (intelisense, etc) working in Cursor.
  • VSCode command to given highlighted code, instantly flip to that code in XCode (+ vice versa Xcode extension)
  • Command to add file to Xcode project (without having to drag and drop it in)

You can open source it or charge for later features, as long as I have a full license (including distribution) to the original source code.


you may find a kickstarter or dominated assurance contract better, since $500 is not enough

This already works just install the swift-lsp from the extension marketplace

You might find these articles very helpful: Cursor - Rudrank

So, I took a look at the Swift extension plus Sweetpad and was originally not able to get it to work. Getting some pretty cryptic errors combined with reading some posts saying that it was broken.

But, I tried again and got it to work! Yay. This great. Thanks for the tip.

Still would love the instant flips. Bounty still stands for that.

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Hey there! I actually built something like cursor that integrates directly into Xcode. Would love to have you try it out! https://alexsidebar.app