80% of all requests are circular

For what it’s worth, I’ve been using the latest version on an insanely complex project for the last few days, and it’s been a breeze. There’s definitely an art to it though (I’ve been using Cursor since some time in 2023 and I’m still learning how to get the best out of the LLMs), and I certainly feel your frustration with the circular patterns.

Shameless plug, but if you haven’t read the Idiot’s Guide To Bigger Projects yet, you might find some useful tips in there. It’s getting a little out of date now (after eight whole weeks!), as it was written for an earlier version. I’ll probably write a fresh one in the new year, but quite a lot of the strategy still applies to 0.44 and it’s how I’ve managed to keep from pulling my hair out thus far. :slight_smile: