Add UI setting for code font size in chat (or revert to old defaults)

I don’t mind the new chat UI update in general, but notably it changed to use my code font settings for displaying code snippets.
I have quite a large font of 16px, and I have the cursor chat docked to the side so I can interact with it while writing code. In fact that’s the main way Im using cursor.
The old code font for snippets was hardcoded to a very nice default that allowed me to browse code snippets, but now it’s simply way too large to see anything, unless Im expanding my chat window to take up a lot of screen space.
Please either change it back to the old default or add a setting to change the cursor code snippet font separately. Please :pray:

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I don’t think this should be too difficult to implement …

anyone? more ways to customise the chat sidebar would be great. i’ve noticed that sometimes my .cursorrules profile manages to infect itsself into the chat UI which is kinda cool… blue text in this example : )

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