AI Features no longer working as of 0.40.2


Since around yesterday (29th of August), all AI features have stopped working for me. Version 0.40.1 was still working fine, but 0.40.2 and 0.40.3 no longer work. Both the Tab completion as well as the Ctrl + k and Ctrl + l don’t do anything or have become incredibly slow (if I let Ctrl + k run for multiple minutes it does occassionally come up with a suggestion in the end). My Wifi speed is not the issue. In addition, the issue persists with multiple models. I’ve tried the suggestion to disable HTTP2, but to no success. The only problem I can find is that Cursor seems to no longer be able to Index my Codebase, I get a Handshake failed each time.

I would very much appreciate some help with this. Thanks in advance!

Hi, I’m encountering the same issue!

I’ve been using Cursor for the past seven days without any problems. However, after updating it on 31-08-2024, I’ve noticed that the cursor speed is 100% slower when connected to a Wi-Fi network (with a speed of over 50 Mbps). Interestingly, when I switch to my smartphone’s 5G network, it works perfectly fine with good autocomplete speed. but it is just a quick fix. I am still waiting for WIFI fix

The version I am currently using is ,