AI review not detecting any changes between current branch and main

Looking out Cursor git graph channel I see many of the following error:

[error] Failed to get cached related files... falling back to uncached No indexer found for file. Maybe not inside a git repo?

But I’m inside a git repo, we’re using husky pre commit hooks. I wonder if that’s related.

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I’m seeing the same issue.

Bumping this up, additional errors in the git graph output channel in case it would help

2024-10-14 20:28:48.259 [error] Failed to check if git graph is enabled [internal] Stream closed with error code NGHTTP2_REFUSED_STREAM
2024-10-14 21:53:31.331 [error] Failed to check if git graph is enabled [internal] Stream closed with error code NGHTTP2_REFUSED_STREAM```