Apply is so slow after an update (pro)

The “Apply” feature where it applies the AI suggested changed to the code is so slow after an update to V0.40.1. Yesterday was working fast. So I reinstalled an older version (v0.39.6) but still very slow.

Does this “Apply” process happens on the cursor servers or on my local pc?

Could you try again? Made a change on our end

Now it’s fast just as was yesterday.

Many thanks for the great support!

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What can I do to speed up my ‘apply’ using a pro account and claude sonnet 3.5 fast request.

The average time (I’ve time 9 ‘applies’ so far) for a single change, on a single file (+ cursorrules) is 8min.

I’m sure this cannot be right.

It MUST be a user-error right?
Please educate me

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