@ericzakariasson @danperks Please include the details for Gemini 2.0 Flash (free), 2.0 Flash Exp (free), 2.0 Pro (premium) on the page AND please put it up on Pricing Page https://www.cursor.com/pricing. People/New Users are looking for this information while making a choice. Paid users like us can use this information to decrease the number of premium requests.
Moreover, consider the following format also (sort of at-a-glance) which was suggested by @deanrie on https://forum.cursor.com/t/premium-models-usage-with-the-pro-plan/38213#:~:text=Dec%202024-,Hey%2C%20here%E2%80%99s%20an%20explanation%20about%20the%20models%3A,-Without%20limitations%3A
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