Azure extension doesent work

I’ve solved this issue but its a pain.

Steps to solve

  • Step 1: Fix Azure extensions on Cursor
    • Cursor does not come with Microsoft authentication, a builtin extension for vscode
    • I cannot find this extension on the internet
    • To get this extension, grab it from VSCode
    • \AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\extensions\microsoft-authentication
    • Copy the above folder to
  • Step 2: Access Azure ML via cursor
    • Connecting to azure using a “vscode://” style link won’t work
    • Instead get the Azure Machine learning extension on cursor: Azure Machine Learning in Visual Studio Code
    • Then in command palette do “Azure ML: Sign In”
    • Restart cursor, open the new Azure tab, and you should be able to see all your compute instances and azure stuff
    • Open the extension tab with ctrl shift a, go to the machine learning tab, then right click your compute instance to attempt a connect
  • Step 3: Sever installation
    • If you try to connect to ur compute instance, it will fail since the cursor remote server cannot be installed on azure for some reason
    • So we need to manually install it
    • First go to Help > About in cursor and get the version and commit
    • Manual cursor server download:
    • In that address, you need to use the version number from the help box along with the same commit. The version/commit must match!
    • Put this on the Compute instance you are interested in (u can upload via jupyter lab or ssh if available)
    • Do ls ~/.cursor-server/bin/10e3716b510a5d447c1a07b2edd37a352bbea4d0 but use whatever commit you’re on
    • Then do “tar -xzvf filenamhere” with the tar file you downloaded
    • Then copy the contents of the resulting output, should be a folder like vscode-reh-linux-x64 , basically dump the contents of this folder into the ~/.cursor-server/bin/10e3716b510a5d447c1a07b2edd37a352bbea4d0 folder
    • And that’s it for the manual server install

At this point, you should be able to connect to the server using the Azure ML extension.
To get cursor tab working on Azure, open the User settings and disable the cursor setting ‘HTTP2’ requests

Good news is that this only has to be run once for each commit. However, it’s still a huge pain.