Built an iOS game patch note app

Cursor has helped me create more things now than I ever could have imagined. I built this app with cursor and have loved every minute of it ‎PatchUp on the App Store

I have developed over the years a few iOS and web apps, but with cursor my time to Minimum viable product is incredibly short.

So thanks to the Devs for creating such an amazing product!

Do you have any hints that would help others to do the same? Did you make use of @Web or @docs to bring in external documentation?

Didn’t expect to see a comment on my post!

But to be honest, I never really used @ web, I did use @docs with adding some links from apples website todo with swift etc. I found that sometimes the AI can get confused (like all of them from chatGPT to Google Gemini) where they think they understand something like SwiftData (the newer version of storing data on Swift) but then they mess it up, so giving them some documentation on it seems to help a lot.

But in my experience with using cursor. I would say it’s almost a keep trying at it, until you get a break through. With PatchUp I am still releasing new versions, and finding bugs, but cursor helps a lot with getting newer versions out much faster!