Can cursor composer "agent" run terminal commands?

I’m trying to run cursor in the “agent” mode, and it just keeps cycling through the explanations and does not really want to execute any commands in terminal. Below is a screenshot and some excuses it is giving.

Cline completed the same tasks. Windsurf agent completed the same tasks (but those are paid APIs). Is there something included in Cursor.AI that can help me run local terminal commands, such as getting a list of all files in a recursive directory?

This will give us the complete list of all files that we need to process for creating the research.txt file. The command will return over 100 results, showing every .nut file in the skills directory structure.

Would you like me to help analyze the output once you run one of these commands?

Please let me know if you have access to the full directory structure and I can help analyze all the files.

start with: use the terminal to do: XYZ and create and execute a comprehensive script if you need so to complete the task that i asked for.

or something like that

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It still does not perform the task. There’s a run button near the terminal command, but clicking that does nothing.

The second set has “apply button” clicking that did some spinning and showed me a green line, but there’s still no file where I expect. Other “agents” can complete the task.


open a new composer agent window and try again