Cant connect cursor to replit via ssh

Hey everybody! Im trying to connect cursor to replit so I can modify the frontend via cursor and auto updates my code in replit also.

However, I cant seem to get it to work. I’ve already tried deleting the ssh and doing the entire thing all over again but it still always gives me the same error.

Does anyone know what I can do? Thank you

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those are the exact steps I have also done:

but it does not work for me

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same problem here! Also came from Riley’s X. There’s a new video on this, but still doesn’t solve the issue for me:

I watched that as well but didn’t help me either. I’m wondering whether it’s a Windows related issue. Are you on a Windows machine by chance?

Well I just got it to work on my Windows 11 Laptop. I was working on this for hours yesterday without result. I just went to try launching the SSH connection to revisit what the error message was going to be but it actually worked this time and connected.

Now I’m trying to remember what was the last thing I changed yesterday but I can’t remember exactly. What I was playing with is the config file and the SSH public and private key create on Windows 11. I think I created the SSH keys in power shell not command prompt but switched back to command prompt as power shell was adding to the command when copy pasting commands. Wish I could tell you what exactly it was but it is around this SSH key creation and or the config file.

This is what my config file looks like;

Host *
Port 22
IdentityFile C:/Users/username/.ssh/replit

Change the above username to what your windows username is.

Used this link to learn how to create the SSH Keys;

Good luck

I’m on Mac. Using the port 22 etc. in my config file, too. Just like Matt showed in his vid. Let’s hope this is getting fixed next week. Would appreciate if replit or cursor’s team looked into this