It would be great if I could tap into the Claude 3.5 sonnect and also make it aware of the project I would like to use.
As an engineering team we utilize the Claude chat interface to share chats and knowledge about the project. Being able to somehow expose the project’s context to the Cursor IDE would be magical, cause then I would be able to for example utilize both the context coming directly form the code and cross reference it for example with style guides we added as Project Knowledge base.
And is the idea similar to the @docs feature , but instead of being able to add public website content as ‘context’ you could add content from ‘private websites’?
Thinking out loud, I suppose that would require some sort of auth relationship between Cursor and the third-party site?
And, if you were referring to the ‘Projects’ feature of Claude, perhaps a related API?
I had a quick look and couldn’t see a specific Projects API:
As an aside, I remember before I came across Cursor and was just using Chat GPT, I really wanted the ability to reference live, dynamic data (like in a private GitHub Repo) but ofcourse that wasn’t possible, so I had to upload parts of files to the chat, chat about them, change them locally, and then re-upload them and ChatGPT, understandably, got a bit confused after a while.
But then I discovered Cursor and that hasn’t really been a need for me since!
I missed your messages, sorry. yest I am refering to claude projects collaboration.
I learned recently about the docs idea, and it indeed looks similar. If we were able to add private pages from Notion, that would be ideal. Some of the content we share are not for the public eyes, so find the way to authorise the access would be > Claude Projects → food or thought