I just got cursor but for some reason cmd+click is not jumping to function definition. This has been a really annoying issue that’s prevented me from using cursor over vscode. Can you help to solve this?
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Hey, sorry you are struggling with this! Which language are you coding with in your project?
The CTRL+Click functionality is powered by the language-specific extension that works for your project, so the reasons for it not working would be different for each language.
I’m using python, should I download some extension manually? What could be the issue?
Try installing this:
Same issue with JS/TS. Does not work at all. I’ve tried disabling all extensions and enabling again. I have the same extensions installed on VS Code and no problem there.
In case anyone else hits this issue, this is how I fixed it:
- Open the cmd pallete (cmp + shift + p)
- Type in “Install Extensions” and open the Extensions panel
- Search for the word “Python” and find the extension with 4M+ downloads
- Click “Uninstall” → “Restart Extensions” → “Install”
- Profit
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