Codespaces not working

Hi, we’re about to enroll cursor in my whole team, but one thing is a problem for us: When try using codespaces, it gives the error “Failed to connect to the remote extension host server (Error: Connection error: Client refused: version mismatch)”

Unfortunately, around 10 of our team members are working with codespaces only.

Would be great to see this fixed, to enroll it maybe in our whole company. Thanks.


This is a known issue! Apologies.

We’re looking into whether there’s a fix here and should know quite soon.

Watching :eyes:

Thanks, is there any ETA for this fix? Is it prio or not?

Also running into this - would love an eta if there is one :upside_down_face:

Following up re: using Codespaces with Cursor.

Is there any update on a fix for this?

Codespaces aren’t working as of today.

Would love to see this get fixed. My machine specs are not that good to run my company’s dev environment so I rely on Codespaces a lot.

Hey, do you think there’s any planning fixes on this one?

I’ve had to switch to vscode bc of that, and I really love cursor

same me, Any update?

Same Same

This is major for me to.

Is there any update on this?

Workaround for everyone:

You can access Github codespaces through Cursor IDE using ssh connection:

  1. Install ms-vscode-remote extension from the market
  2. Install gh CLI on your host machine for ssh connection
  3. Get codespace name via gh codespace list
  4. Create/update ssh config at ~/.ssh/config:
    Host anynameyouwant
    	User codespace
    	ProxyCommand /opt/homebrew/bin/gh cs ssh -c yourcodespacevmname --stdio -- -i /Users/youruser/.ssh/yoursshkey
    	StrictHostKeyChecking no
    	LogLevel quiet
    	ControlMaster auto
    	IdentityFile /Users/youruser/.ssh/yoursshkey
  5. Connect to the codespace using “Remotes” tab in Cursor IDE (select SSH for connection)



Will this be fixed any time soon? I leverage codespaces heavily in my work and this is a non-starter for me using Cursor over VSCode.

What’s cursor going to do once multiplayer stuff starts getting further into github codespaces/copilot workspace? (it’s planned). I hope cursor starts putting in similar features but I fear it will take significant engineer time

@truell20 Hi, it’s been a year since your last update on this issue. Could you please confirm whether this is being addressed? My team is eager to switch from Copilot to Cursor, but our workflow depends on using Codespaces, which currently isn’t working at all.

There have been multiple posts and comments about this, and the lack of communication is quite frustrating. Can you provide a clear answer and resolve this matter once and for all?


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Looking for a similar solution. Did anyone try @janal19768 's workaround? Does it work?

Cursor is a non starter without Codespaces support.

Codespaces are central to my dev workflow.

I love what Cursor has to offer, great work so far - if you make it Codespace compatible, I will be all-in, and will send you money each month, instead of CoPilot!

Is this on the roadmap? Estimated ETA, please?

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Just started using codespaces for one project.
Happy its not my fault it doesn’t work but crushed that it’s not going to work at all.