Composer is deleting comments and reformatting code extensively (Java)

I’ve asked the composer to do some changes for me, which he did perfectly, but his proposed changes contain aggressive reformatting, deleting of comments and even deleting imports, which lead to errors.

I’ve asked him to not touch, delete or reformat code, he doesn’t need to change. He replied that he understands my preference, does it again and generates exactly the same changes with all the unwanted modifications.

I’ve even given him a specific example in a specific file and he has answered: “I understand. I’ll make sure to only add the necessary changes without removing any existing comments or lines. Here are the updated code snippets:” … and did exactly the same changes again.

Any idea what I can do there?

When I always have to manually revert all of his unnecessary changes, the tradeoff between letting him do the changes or doing the changes myself is heavily leaning toward, doing the stuff on my own

For reference, a related discussion is here:

I haven’t been experiencing it so much lately, but I do have some related cursorrules which may be being respected now, I will check when next at computer, and post back if relevant.