When I first install Cursor, it asked me if I would like to use GitHub Copilot (which I do in VS Code) or Cursor. I chose Cursor, but now would like to try Copilot to compare them.
How do I configure my currently installed Cursor IDE to use GitHub Copilot? How do I switch back after?
You can install Cursor and VSCode side by side. They do not seem to interfere with each other (I am only doing Swift and C# dev)
I am comparing both for Apple development since the new additions to GH Copilot (October) for more context away features and using Claude Sonnet 3.5 (New)
As of today, Cursor is 2 minor versions behind VSCode proper (1.93 vs 1.95) but really makes no difference for my usages.
Thanks, @adamhill - I also have both installed. What I am curious about is switching Cursor to use Copilot and back again. I couldn’t find this in the Settings.
When I first installed Cursor, the wizard asked me if I wanted to use Claude (default) or Copilot. I chose Claude, but I wanted to try it with Copilot. I don’t know how to do so without uninstalling and reinstalling.
Thanks, @deanrie - I saw in another thread that you commented about configuring Cursor in different ways. Do you know how I could switch to Copilot in Cursor’s Settings without having to uninstall and reinstall it, this time picking Copilot in the wizard?
I didn’t see any warning about changing Cursor or Copilot. Could you describe what it looked like? Also, I heard that the new Copilot shown at the GitHub presentation only works in the latest version of VSCode 1.95.1, while Cursor is still on VSCode version 1.93.1. So, it’s better to try it in VSCode until Cursor updates.
The installation wizard presents this option. I chose “Switch to GH Copilot” this time, but it didn’t seem to work. Every option looked like the default (Claude) and the Copilot status bar just spun.
What’s the point of using GH Copilot with Cursor while Cursor already have Calude Sonnet ? or just trying to test drive different method for chat and auto-completion ?
For me I just want to try the code review feature of Copilot because AFAIK the Bug Finder feature in Cursor is still in beta and expensive.