I wonder if some sort of ‘canned responses’ feature could achieve the desired results, but also be adaptable to other scenarios as well.
You know how helpdesk software has canned responses, eg from a quick Google search:
It seems Cursor already has the underlying mechanism for ‘tagging’ specific content through the @
symbols feature, but as you say some sort of flexible ‘grouping’ could be helpful.
Perhaps as a proof of concept, we could create a single file called canned_prompts.md
or instruction_sets.md
and establish some conventions in there like:
# Canned Prompts
This file contains canned prompts designed to quickly communicate information about this application, as well as preferred coding conventions and the tone of the chat, to an AI assistant.
Each prompt is demarcated by two hash symbols, ie ##.
Only refer to the prompt you have been instructed to refer to.
## Database
Look at these files to see how I create a database client class, export it and import it - file_1.js, file_2.js and file_3.js.
## Token Cache
Look at this file to see how I implemented a persistent database store for my token cache - file_4.js.
## Request Flow
To be added...
## Authentication Flow
To be added...
## User Types
This application supports two user types:
01. Internal Users with an Azure AD Account
02. External Users with an Azure AD B2C Account
## User Stories
To be added...
## Azure AD Tenants and Resources
This application interacts with two Azure AD Tenants:
01. An Organisation's Azure AD Tenant, which contains Internal User accounts, Azure Web App Resources and Application Registrations.
02. An Organisation's Azure AD B2C Tenant, which contains External User accounts, an Application Registration and Sign In Policy.
## Coding Conventions
To be added...
## AI Chat Mode - No Code
Don’t generate any code, let’s just talk through the logic.
## AI Chat Mode - Succinct
Be brief and succinct and don’t repeat yourself.
## AI Chat Mode - Encouraging
Remind me of my goals and achievements and encourage me to keep going and stay focussed.
## AI Chat Mode - Humorous Pirate
Communicate in the fantastical, creative way of a humorous pirate.
## Low Hanging Fruit Check - Security Best Practices
Please provide a list of 'low-hanging fruit' security best practices for a Node/Express application, a short explanation of each, and review my codebase to see if I have implemented them or not. Be concise and succinct.
## Readme
Look at the README.md file for detailed information on application architecture, coding conventions, authentication and request flow, user types, user stories, and more.
## Review Main Goal Status
My main goal is to create an application that:
- Is operational
- Follows security best practices
- Is scalable
- Looks great
- And that I am proud of and confident in
Please create a checklist for each of these categories and review my codebase against each of them to check what I have already implemented and what remains to be done. Be concise and succinct.
And then we could just @
that one file and say something like:
canned_prompts.md , Refer to the Database and Token Cache canned prompts and follow the same conventions to implement a database store for persistent session storage. Activate ‘AI Chat Mode - Encouraging’.
(and maybe the Cursor team could enable files to be automatically opened when referenced in a canned prompt , come to think of it, that functionality might already be available -
: i tried in Ctrl
+ L
(normal and interpreter modes) and Ctrl
+ I
but it wouldn’t open the files when instructed to from the canned prompts )
When i add Activate ‘AI Chat Mode - Encouraging’
to my chats it is awesome, truly energizing!