over the past week I have lost more and more functionality of cursorrules…
1 week ago, I was using a .cursorrules file that I had spent alot of time developing that included its ability to call dozens of python scripts enhancing its ability to interact with things mysql, oracle, jira, confluence, github, call various purpose agents, create new ai agents on the fly. I was so happy and it was totally the best thing ever and I was putting in productive 12-16 hours days… I even had tools that could develop tools and then tell composer agent that how to use them in .cursorrules all by themselves…
first we lost the ability for Composer Agent to write to .cursorrules
then we lost the ability for Composer Agent to call any tools defined in .cursorrules
now it won’t even read from the .cursorrules not that there was any point after it lost the ability to call custom tools…
I am dead in the water with productivity… why did we lost what was so amazing before?
I have tried switching from .cursorrules to the new .mdc files, and they aren’t even read most of the time…
I have tried to rebuild it as a MCP, but it just didn’t have the same capabilities.
I had an extension that was able to register new tools with cursor, but now apparently that is broken too with 46.11
I have tried installing older versions but its telling the me same thing that it can no longer access that file
This ■■■■■, and I am tired of trying to get work done, and finding everything I knew and loved about cursor changed in the 6 hours I slept…
like just why are these features being gimped…