Cursor account portal down, redirecting to broken links

Hey guys,

I’ve had a bit of trouble with Cursor today, heavily degraded performance and inconsistent responses. Attempted to restart and noticed I was auto-logged out. When attempting to log back in, I see 500 errors with

callback:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()

I was able to finally log in, however it seems to continue invalidating the token and throwing 500 internal server errors. Any ideas when things may return to normal?



same here.

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yes!me to !!!

likewise, not only portal, but completion, server, etc.

Same here:

Same. I was in the middle of using Cursor and suddenly cannot get a response, not even an error message. I tried logging out/in, could not log in, and now I am locked out and cannot get the app logged into my account at all. Cursor Pro.

Same here…

same here!..

I’m back in! :clap::clap::clap:

Hey all, we did have some unfortunate outages, but this is now resolved!
Sorry for any inconvenience caused here!