Cursor composer stops responding after while

Hi. Since recently I’ve got the problem that after 10mins or so working in Cursor IDE, the Composer completely stops responding. After sending the message “…” is shown and nothing will ever happen. Closing the application and restarting it resolves the issue. I’m on Linux Mint working with the 0.44.11-build-250103fqxdt5u9z-x86_64.AppImage.

I’m using FAST requests.

Please help, working this way is painful.

Hey, are you using a VPN? Also, check if there are any errors in the DevTools.

No VPN. Clarification: Only the “agent” feature stops working after a while, chat prompts work.

Hey, can you run the Developer: Toggle Developer Tools command the next time this happens and see if there are any errors in the console that align with when the composer stopped working?

Hey Dan,
I don’t see any errors in the console. After “hitting” submit with “agent” selected I just see an endless “…” cycle. A new Composer session with agent doesn’t help, but after restarting Cursor it starts working fine…

Okay, we can dig a bit deeper then…

Can you follow the following guide (disabling privacy mode first) to get a request ID?
I can use that ID to get more information on whats going on behind the scenes!

Hi, I’m having the same issue after the latest update.
It doesn’t always provide failed status, just infinite loading, but this time I got a failed error.
Here is the Request ID: b05808c2-4a89-4564-be6c-6c6935b472bd

More Request IDs:

I have the same problem. Using cursor the last 3 days has been an extremely frustrating experience.

Sorry to hear this @proBhavesh and @ldorigo1!

Can you run the Developer: Toggle Developer Tools command the next time this happens and see if there are any errors in the console that align with when the composer stopped working?

Any progress on this issue? One thing I noticed is that the problem occurs after letting the Composer agent sit idle for 5-10 minutes. It doesn’t happen when continuously submitting, only after a pause.

Hey, what version of Cursor are you running?

started with 0.44, now at 45.11. bug is present in all versions.

Hey, can you try to grab a request ID with the following guide: