Cursor does not read the rules

Cursor does not read the rules
For example, I say update document x after each operation, but it doesn’t do that.
Or deletes previous data when updating the document

It’s totally messed up right now.

Hey, would you be able to send a screenshot with an example of what you have in your rules file and an example of where the AI is not respecting it?

If you have a large rules file, the AI can often miss specific bits that you put in there, so it’s best to keep it concise and focused!

Hello. For example, in a very simple way, I want the AI to read a file before a task. Although it works fine in normal mode, it almost never reads in agent mode.

Is there a set of rules you suggest? And how much should the context be?

You may have to prompt it to do this sometimes, as the AI can often be convinced it knows about a file when it doesn’t. Also, the AI has no way of knowing you’ve made any changes to a file it’s already looked at, so assumes it has the latest version.

Context works best by being as concise and relevant as possible, especially with big codebases, but the right workflow in Cursor really changes between each user and their projects!

There are lots of great posts here on the forum with some tips and tricks on how to use Cursor best in large codebases!

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