Cursor Downtime

There was a degradation in our infra affecting chat, we are currently investigating the issue.


Also affecting logging in to account?

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…also I do not see usage under the account settings: Settings


uh oh! does this mean we have to do things manually? :joy:

hang in there fellow Cursorites, the Cursor team will save us in due time!


Back up!


Not back up for me unfortunately. Still giving connection errors.

I’m not getting any errors, but the chat is just spitting out code and not interacting or actually applying code changes.

same, not interacting at all or applying changes

When I get the chat message “Anthropic is experiencing a partial outage right now. To avoid downtime, we’ve temporarily fallen back to an OpenAI model." in the chat, I get "Problems” in the Problems panel (lots of them too), e.g:
“resource”: “”,
“owner”: “generated_diagnostic_collection_name#5”,
“code”: “PHP7001”,
“severity”: 2,
“message”: “The closing ?> tag should be omitted from files containing only PHP.”,
“source”: “PHP”,
“startLineNumber”: 73,
“startColumn”: 1,
“endLineNumber”: 73,
“endColumn”: 3

In files that I have not written. If I try to open the files, the editor says e.g:
“The editor could not be opened due to an unexpected error: Unable to resolve resource aichat-code-block-anysphere://jhkpfjwqbg”

where “jhkpfjwqbg” is supposed to be the file name.

I demand a status page for cursor ide. It would really help both of us


same for me, im new so thought I was doing something wrong but just wont interact with my code base, @amanrs still having issues?

I am now able to submit queries to the chat and get responses in return. @amanrs

Predicatin is extreamly slow

am I supposed to think for myself now???

I became a pro user today and then it went down :sweat_smile: Where can we get updates or service status?

Same here

It’s working for me now! Thanks team!

Finally working again! And I thought my life was done for.

Yep, working for me now as well.