I am having trouble creating my new Next js project. Everytime i open cursor. I need to specifically run commands with sudo.
I am not able to create a new file, it just keeps prompting me do acess permssion.
I am having trouble creating my new Next js project. Everytime i open cursor. I need to specifically run commands with sudo.
I am not able to create a new file, it just keeps prompting me do acess permssion.
The “EACCESS: Permission denied” error in Cursor points to a permissions issue. This usually occurs when Cursor tries to access a file or directory it doesn’t have enough rights to. Please let me know which operating system you’re using.
I am using Mac OS. I just got the app, installed it and used it.
I have been working with other codebase but when i created this new project, I am not able to add any new files other than the command line interface with sudo
Change the folder permissions in your terminal using:
sudo chmod 755 /path/to/your/folder/
didn’t work. anything else i can try ?
Try creating a new project in a different location, as there might be permission issues at a higher level. Also, try running Cursor in sudo mode.
Also, try changing the ownership of the Cursor folder:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.cursor