I turned on o1-preview to do a more advanced query, then for the followup I selected Clause-3.5-sonnet from the dropdown in the chat frame.
And asked it a follow up question because apparently $0.40 doesn’t get you an answer without basic syntax errors, and rather than using Claude-3.5-sonnet, the query went back out to o1-preview. I then created a new chat window, and asked a question of Claude-3.5-sonnet and o1-preview again answered that question. When I look under my account, I do indeed have three o1-preview charges for today (392eabec) and no indication of activity on other models today.
This is a pretty bad bug. In the short-term, I’m wondering if I can simply disable o1-preview in the settings or if I have to now turn off usage-based pricing. Every test I run on how to fix this potentially costs me $0.40.
Edit: I turned the o1-preview off in the settings and now it will use claude-3.5-sonnet again.