Cursor keeps breaking my design elements

I’m getting incredibly frustrated with Cursor costing me days of backtracking. I spend hours getting something to perform and look just the way I want it. Then, I ask cursor to help me do something like attach 2 of my components together so clicking on a link opens another component; which it does… but it also scraps my entire design, layout, functionality, import calls, dependencies, etc… EVERYTHING. But the link will sort of work now, although my deign now looks like a blind hamster drew it with a crayon in it’s teeth and cursor has no idea what happened to it and I can’t go back because it changed the files beyond recognition, so I either back up my last git push from Friday or I spend another who-knows-how-long rebuilding my UI from this state so I don’t lose my database structure progress.

< rant class=“WTF-Seriously” > I just don’t understand why “Make the save button post changes to the database” gets interpreted as "Make the save button post data to another window that I’m going to create right now by modifying 6 different files in the project folder and wrapping your existing design into ion-modals because I think it looks cool to have a design that reads like Windows NT went to a Diddy party < /rant >

Update: I asked Cursor to pull what it could of the modal design off my last git push; which it did… but not exactly. Luckily, I have a live version sitting for testing purposes so I’m trying to salvage what of the CSS out of that I can to duplicate the exact functionality.

Hey, while I will admit it can take a bit of learning and choosing to get the LLM to do what you want sometimes, you shouldn’t have to backtrack too much as you can always revert back to a checkpoint - one is made everytime you ask the AI something, and can undo any bad changes it has made!