Cursor seeems creatting bad sectors in my hard disk

I have problems in code-base indexing. I began getting an infinite loop for indexing process. I filed an error report. I got a reply suggesting to stop the code base indexing and delete the index file. And I did and it seemed working fine. It was about three days ago.

Since then I experienced a few similar errors, and I did the same procedure every time. The problem I found however, Cursor began getting crushed randomly during execution. Then, my computer began getting crashed randomly. The computer performance is degraded down quite a lot and then gets crashed randomly. It seems that Cursor is creating bad sectors repeatedly.

What should I do?

Failed to connect to the remote extension host server (Error: Cannot resolve authority)

no it isn’t

if you’re getting bad sectors, your hard drive / ssd is dying

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When restarting, my computer takes a very long time. It used to take less than a minute, but now it takes more than 10 minutes.

I can’t work with Cursor for more than several minutes because it suddenly crashes or gets stuck in an infinite loop. When I reboot, I can’t find my previous work spaces. This situation reminds me of the old days when hard drives got bad sectors and crashed quite often.

Now, I have found that the index file deletion and a windows upgrade process was intertangled somehow. I retracted my windows upgrade and reinstall Cursor. Everything became normal. Now I have to build the context again. Sigh.

Hey, from a bit of research, this seems to not be unique to Cursor, but also happens in VSCode, so my first recommendation would be to look at some of the discussions around that, and seeing if there are any suggested solutions!