Cursor team, can you please share a demo vid with each feature release?

Yes please, I’d like more info (e.g. image, demo gif, link to docs) inline with each bullet point of the attached changelog, so that I can understand them without having to search in docs.

If someone at Cursor does this once for each bullet, it saves 100,000s of Cursor users having to look for the feature in docs themselves.
This is good for users and, in turn, good for Cursor!

Also, I have looked for features in docs before, and they sometimes aren’t documented.

As I said in the original post on this thread:

I’m not asking for detailed documentation.
I understand that alpha and beta releases aren’t about that.
I’m asking for a 10 second gif with each release demo’ing it.
I think this would help me, and I suspect other devs, a lot.

As @sedghi said here, documenting inline with the changelog is a normal practice with other tools e.g. VS Code and Blender.

It’s frustrating that @amanrs said on Feb 19th '24 (10 months ago):

Apologies, we will be doing a much better job with gifs/videos for future releases

…but nothing has changed much.

@danperks you said:

we’re still working hard on adding and improving features

Personally, if you’re choosing between working on a feature, or updating the changelog with a gif of how a feature works, I’d rather the gif of how the feature works.
As the famous saying goes, if a feature is released in a forest without a gif, was the feature ever released at all?

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