Does Yolo mode stop working when premium model usage runs out?

Ive been using yolo mode with Claude for the past few days. but it doesn’t seem to work any more (even though i have it on in the settings)

Could it be linked to my over use of premium models? (im on Pro)

What can i do to keep using Yolo ? And which model is best for code generation with Yolo?

Ive been YOLOing like FN mad…

Tell me what you mean by “it doenst work?”

How are you prompting it?

I tell it to YOLO on prettty much every prompt – and it listens when I interject and say “WAIT” or STOP" and clarify if its diverging.

I also constantly re-context it and re tell it to read something

yes the problem was i had run past the 500 fast requests in 2 days :frowning:
and there fore i lose yolo rights

I see. THat takes it back to the fact that we need our Composer agents to be able to query our account stats. IT will be wonderful when providing directives to YOLOS that they acan do a cost analysis prior to executtion, or quantify HOW MUCH of my account resources are consumed with each YOLO - and have it log that to YOLO_Costs.rmd with tabels and stats that it updates…

Ive made the request directyl, and indirectly in a bunch of posts here…

Is it possible to use open source Deepseek model? Which is free I think. And then yolo with that ?