Feel like I've got a naughty child in my computer

So, Cursor was great, seems to keep taking steps backwards instead of forwards.

.cursorrules are ignored, Rules for AI are ignored in Cursor Settings.

I’m constantly telling the agent off, its like having a disruptive child that behaves for 5minutes then spends 15minutes misbehaving.

I really would love to be able to properly lock files so the agent can’t edit them - but can edit other files.

It gets so side tracked, needs constant guiding, reminding NOT to delete code, to read entire files not the first 200 lines, that it isn’t working in x directory - to it completely forgets what we have been talking about 3 sentences ago.

Sometimes it feels like I’m dealing with ‘multiple’ agents

Formatting randomly vanishes and it
ts to
type in incompl
ete sentences

starts to number every line, just outright makes things up.

Would be good if the agent included a local model, so it could make fast calls/decisions about the project setup/files/memory etc so the main agent could then send requests that has detailed up to date information.

Or if you could set mutliple different agents for each file or folder, that kept documentation updated, dependencies updated etc

It changes code/removes half of it, ask it to revert back - it makes more errors and changes. You ask it why? It tells you its lying to you and it actually doesn’t have access to the previous version of the code and just makes up what it thinks it was like before (surely there is some file version control, seems its showing 20/20 edits etc, the reject doesn’t really tell if it removes the last edit or all 20 edits cause I don’t hit accept/save while the codes broken

Feel like the agent is overcomplicating very simple tasks, I wish I could easily start a new chat/composer window without having to re-explain everything and set it all up to a point it has the knowledge required (cause if you don’t = more mistakes just runs a bit quicker)

Ah and these ‘timeout’ errors when editing files non-stop, those seem to be more of an issue breaking code cause it keeps retrying until its deleted the entire files code.

Theres so much more, time to take a break and turn the agent/chat off for awhile and start to do more thinking for myself again ha


Hey, sorry for the inconvenience caused by the agent composer. It’s our new feature, which still has some issues. We’re actively working on fixing bugs and improving its functionality to provide you with a better experience soon.

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I feel like you just explained my relationship with Composer to a T. It works GREAT when its working but its always a 3 steps forward two steps back process. I have a system to back up frequently and often. and you sort of get a sense when the problem child is about to appear. going back and fixing stuff the problem child breaks seems to always take longer than just writing the code. So when problem child comes out. i just restore from backup, start a new chat. i have my initial prompt setup so i can just drop it in and get back to work with minimal losses. Far less losses than going back three steps.

Haha I know, can’t fix bugs if people don’t bring them to your attention though!

Main issue is I feel like I’m using the app/agent blind - no real instructions, no understanding on what its doing / how its working under the hood.

Even when it updates version, the version log hasn’t been updated/changed to even see whats been fixed/changed.

Some clarity around how cursorrules etc should be working, if the agent ai rules etc are just at the start of context or if they repeatedly look them up (I feel it looks it up again once context has been lost, but the rules aren’t in its ‘main’ memory area and is always overlooked)

Should have 3 - 5 50 word phrases that you can put so the agent is told this every message/or least on multiple messages.

Has great potential of course, just little more transparency on how things are supposed to work, how they are working and what direction these are heading would help understand/wait :slight_smile:

Hmm Naughty agent … yes.
It loves to remove my entire code in a file

i wish they would fix this, annoying the agent keeps deleting my code, breaking it,

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