How do I get the Figma VSCode extension to work in Cursor?
UPDATE: The Figma extension now natively supports Cursor! Things should work as normal.
Until they support deep links for vscodium based editors, to login:
1. Follow the redirection.
2. Toggle the developer tools on the page opened, go to “Network”
3. Press the button: “Open Figma for VSCode”. Cancel the popup, then click the first network request, that says grant
4. copy the response: “g_secret” param, and paste in a new tab: cursor://figma.figma-vscode-extension/app_auth_redeem?g_secret=${PASTED_G_SECRET}
5. Follow the redirect to Cursor
@truell20 is the idea here to eventually allow Cursor to reference/build off of Figma files? Know the gpt-4 vision API is still in beta, but that would be epic for frontend
I followed the same steps up to step 5, but I can’t login to figma from the cursor and repeat the process.
Hey thanks for the help on setting up the Figma extension I was able to get it working!
Still feels like we should be better :). We will try to get Figma to support us!
Is this something different from what you did above? I did the same thing, but it keeps repeating the login flow.
This was so helpful, thanks so much for this. The important thing for me was to get the g_secret
param before closing the alert, as doing this would close the tab itself.
worked for me, thanks a bunch!
Hey, I’m a premium Cursor member, but not a paid Figma user. Dev mode is out of Beta since last week, so I don’t see the credentials in the grant. I’m unsure it’s correlated, but it seems so.
Is there any other workaround?
@alvaroybanez Maybe this will help you: Figma extension always get back to VSCode · Issue #1108 · getcursor/cursor · GitHub
Figma’s extension now natively supports Cursor (as of v0.3.4)! Let us know if you run into any issues.
hey, coming back to this! Is there a way to feed the Figma file as a public link (with read permissions) to Cursor? It should be able to directly access the content, right?
Just wondering if this is in the pipeline or if there is a workaround.
could you give a step by step instruction on how to enable Cursor extension on Figma? Thanks