Format on save with prettier takes eternity

Just as the title suggests, when format on save is enabled I takes a long time to save files. Formatter is Prettier.

As I am writing this post:
Saving ‘geniusCreateCase.ts’: Running ‘Prettier - Code formatter’ Formatter
is running for a good 10 minutes now.

I can’t disable format on save in cursor, when I untick the box it automatically gets checked again.

Have cursor and VScode opened side by side and vsc is unaffected.

I love cursor, but it’s a harsh love right now with a lot of performance issues…


I have the same issue, would love to get this fixed. Cursor is amazing but I have to keep switching back to VSCode because of this.

I’m running into the same issue: Unable to save files when format-on-save enabled - #2 by currentoor

Came here to report the same. It’s been driving me nuts.

Same here. ES lint is unhappy with the lack of formatting, I need to switch back to VS Code until this is resolved.

+1 on this issue. Format on save is making this IDE virtually unusable, which is tragic because I love it in every other way.

Hey @kamilCodes

I noticed this problem a while ago with VSCode, and it somehow resolved itself over time. It’s not a Cursor issue, it’s a VSCode issue. Here’s what I found after a bit of Googling:

I don’t think so, In the VSCode it doing very well about Prettier and perfectly formatting right now, But the same config it doesn’t work anymore in Cursor.