Giving up on Cursor, sadly

Hi all,

I wanted to try Cursor since a lot of people were saying a lot of good things about it. I used it for roughly a week until an update came. This update, sadly, made it impossible to work with WSL. (Reported multiple times on the forum, but no news about it)

I really wanted to continue to use it. But I cannot have a tool that might stop working without any good follow-up. Thus, sadly, I’m giving up on Cursor, and I’m going back to VSCode + copilot.

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Hi @DrTokay

What difficulties are you encountering? Let’s try to resolve them. Please describe your problem or provide a link to the topic where the issue is discussed.

Hi @deanrie,

Here’s the post I did a few days ago about my problem: New update has broken WSL

Basically, the latest Cursor update is trying to download a version of vscode for WSL that does not exist anymore.

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Let’s try to solve it, thank you.


Try this: Unable to Connect to WSL Setup - #24 by jmp

Thanks for the help. Didn’t see this one. I’ll try that later and will let you know about the results. =)