How to download an old Cursor version for apple chip mac

The codebase search failed in the latest version 0.42.5, so I am trying old version.
I am trying this link

But it is for intel x86 arch, while my mac is apple chip, or arm64.
So, is there anyway to download an old version for my apple chip(M1) mac?


v0.43 has not long been released, and contains several updates to our AI features! It may be available to you now, as we are gradually releasing it to everyone, but you should see the update very soon!

now my work is blocked, could u give me a link to try the comming new version, or old version, for example, 0.42.2?

It’s not production-ready at all. Agents should be in beta mode. Not really useful for most of our workflow. Unfortunately, I downgraded to 0.42.5

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0.42.5 codebase not working, correct?

Nope, it’s working. Long context is back and still functional.


can you please share apple silicon arm downgrade link please 0.42.5… please please … the new version is useless

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You can still get this version from the homepage of our website. Also, expect fixes in version 0.43.

the installer from the home page, will automatically install the latest version.
no option to install/rollback to an old specific version.

I’ve saved a number of the previous links for this exact reason; I don’t know how many are still valid:



I used to always update to the latest version of Cursor as soon as it was released, but now wait 2-3 weeks post-release because stuff is always broken and Cursor are incredibly bad at providing links to previous releases.

If any of the Cursor Team are here; it would be so simple to just add a download link to each entry in the Changelog (or at least the previous 3 releases if there are backwards-compatibility issues)


Doesn’t work for me anymore, it defaults to downloading the latest version.

Wtf, Cursor team! Not the time to the break trust with your customers when there’s a competitor out that’s getting all the hype.