How to type 'space' character in Cursor?

Trying Cursor without much experience with VS Code, all AI stuff works great, but I can’t insert ‘space’ character. I know it sounds like a joke, but whenever I type in code or in any other part of interface (like in Cmd-F search bar), it shows this:

(_) was pressed. Waiting for second key of chord.

(can’t upload screenshot, because Forum doesn’t allow it for new users)

I searched this message, and only see some references to ‘chords’ and Ctrl-K, but not to ‘Space’. Internet advised to turn off Chords for terminal in Settings, which I did, even though I don’t use internal terminal and this issue is in the Editor screen.

I searched all over settings, enabled/disabled Vim extension, google, asked Curser AI Chat for help, but nothing helps.

So two questions:

  1. How to enter ‘space’ in Cursor?
  2. What am I doing wrong, so I have this issue with a default installation?

Version: 0.43.5
VSCode Version: 1.93.1
Commit: 2eaa79a1b14ccff5d1c78a2c358a08be16a8e5a0
Date: 2024-11-27T09:11:51.854Z (5 days ago)
Electron: 30.5.1
Chromium: 124.0.6367.243
Node.js: 20.16.0
OS: Darwin arm64 24.1.0

check your keybind you must have add one with the space stroke by mistake.

Interesting. Where should I look exactly, to avoid guesswork?

I haven’t touched keybindings (don’t even know how). Perhaps Cursor imported something VSCode (that I have installed, but rarely used and also don’t remember touching keybing)

Your overridden shortcuts can be found here: Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON). Shortcuts might also be tied to different extensions. To rule this out, launch from the terminal in cursor --disable-extensions mode and check if that helps.

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Oh, thank you!

Yes, it was this (auto-imported from VSCode for sure). I used this particular combination to match my nvim setup (where “space” is often used as a “leader” key).

        "key": "space c",
        "command": "workbench.action.openQuickChat.copilot"
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Happy to help.