How to use MCP Server?

Can someone tell me how to use MCP server?

@mehmet-py - have you checked out the official docs?

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I just found this it has a cursor command generator


Thank you friends. I was looking for these documents. I will read both of them.
@DaleLJefferson @sanjeed5

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I finally made it thank you :slight_smile:

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happy to help! @mehmet-py

you can mark this as solved

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What os are you?


Did you clone it and put a node at first and then fully path for the index.js? And that’s it?

What’s step did you do to make it work because I thought mine is not compatible at stdio but I guess I’m wrong

I created a folder called tools in the project directory. I cloned the mcp server on github there. then I installed the other steps required by the mcp server with cmd or powershell. then I ran the mcp server. then I went to cursor and typed the following settings from the mcp server settings:

I activated the mcp server. then I called the mcp server by adding commands like “proceed using the sequential thinking method” while entering commands in composer.

if you don’t understand, do this, take the link about cursor mcp and which mcp server you want to install and ask cursor chat to analyze them and how to install the mcp server according to these documents. it will explain step by step. this is how I installed it.

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Its not my video but I found this to be particularly useful!


I used this for sequential thinking. there are other alternatives, but for now I am using this one. it works very well now. errors are solved better.

spences10/mcp-sequentialthinking-tools: :brain: An adaptation of the MCP Sequential Thinking Server to guide tool usage. This server provides recommendations for which MCP tools would be most effective at each stage.

Hi, I followed your instructions, but I am still facing issues. Can you help?

If you write the problems clearly, maybe I can help. but I should also mention that not every mcp server can be installed in the same way. and I use windows and my instructions are accordingly.

If you explain the problems in more detail and with visuals, maybe I can offer suggestions on this subject or there may have been an error I have encountered before and I can tell you the solution.

I can’t get MCP sequential thinking tools running natively in this Cursor IDE.

I followed the instruction from @How to use MCP Server? - #4 by mehmet-py and @GitHub - spences10/mcp-sequentialthinking-tools: 🧠 An adaptation of the MCP Sequential Thinking Server to guide tool usage. This server provides recommendations for which MCP tools would be most effective at each stage.

I cloned the rep into my tools folder, did npm install, npm run build, npm start, went to cursor and pasted my path to index.js with node followed by the path.
But it still didn’t register the tools.
I can also confirm that it’s installed and running when I run npm start in a PowerShell window.

Can you help?

this worked for me MCP Servers No tools found - #22 by SlippyDong

basically you just use node with the index.js path [path has to have no spaces] and no need for quotes

also uvx and python work just fine

cant get npx to work yet

if any dev here sees this, it would really help if we get to know where the json for the servers is to config it

hi, i am new to mcp. i success get up with my toy mcp server, but it set up a background node(with a prompt window) process to do serving, so i want to know did you have the same case? with a bg node process

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