I read .cursorrules will be deprecated! Please don't!

I designed a system to programmatically change my global rules from the command line and I really don’t want to lose that feature!

Just ask Claude to update your system?

I am suspicious of this new project Rules system though. Does it really work? I can’t even make Claude follow my basic .cursorrules. Personally I have zero confidence in it being an improvement, so I haven’t bothered migrating yet.

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It does follow the .cursorules file most of the time for me. Sometimes not every single rule is followed but most are followed. As for the new rules system I’ve barely tried it yet.

People have been shifting to ./.cursor/rules .mdc files and you would not need the .cursorrule file as you can just paste that into a .mdc rule file.

How to reliably get it follow a rule every time using the .mdc approach?

You have to make sure to add to the description: ALWAYS follow this rule

the description is what helps the AI to select the appropriate rule

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Okay thank you I will try that!