Inherit shell environment variables; PKG_CONFIG_PATH is overridden

I am using Nix to create a developer shell environment where certain environment variables are set to properly compile my projects. Instead of installing these globally, I like to keep them confined within a nix configuration file per project.

The issue I am bumping into is that Cursor does something different from VSCode.

When I launch VSCode from the terminal by doing code . in my terminal, the editor will have the environment variables inherited, e.g. PKG_CONFIG_PATH. However, cursor . does not do the same for at least that specific environment variable.

This leads to errors within my editor for my Rust language server like this:

  The system library `gdk-3.0` required by crate `gdk-sys` was not found.
  The file `gdk-3.0.pc` needs to be installed and the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable must contain its parent directory.
  PKG_CONFIG_PATH contains the following:
      - /usr/lib/pkgconfig

Somehow the PKG_CONFIG_PATH is overridden in Cursor.

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Yeah, I’m also running into this. It’s preventing me from using cursor for flutter development on nixos. It’s unable to find the Sdk.

Oddly, before restarting, I wasn’t having this problem, cursor had found the sdk. Don’t know why. (Is it possible it had inherited the shell environment from my vscode installation?)

Ah, I killed all cursor windows (killall cursor) and restarted from a shell I was nix develop in and now it can find the dart sdk.

I vaguely remember it finding the flutter sdk earlier even though I didn’t at that time launch it from a devshell, this would explain how that happened; somehow, I guess cursor windows all inherit from the shell that cursor was first launched from?

The problem seems clear enough to be pretty actionable at this point.

I wonder if having direnv fixes this. I don’t have it. Vscode is complaining about that. But I don’t think it should be necessary.