Is there a shortcut or a way to create a shortcut that triggered Cursor codebase reindexing?

Is there a shortcut or a way to create a shortcut that triggered Cursor codebase reindexing? - thank you!

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Hi @arturot

There’s no shortcut, I’ll add this as a feature request, thanks.

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Thank you @deanrie! I find it that after a few rounds of messages in a chat, even when including codebase in my message, Cursor still has in memory older versions of some of the code files so I’ve made it a common practice to go in an re-index by codebase every so often so that Cursor has the most recent (even if the code was written by itself!) — now this might be just a perception and I might not be “getting it” — any advice is appreciated :slight_smile:

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It’s a problem that’s common to using vector database context generation, one solution could be reindexing every changed file after some time or it loses focus but the drawback is always more processing → more cost vs gains.


Judging by the logs in:

Output > Cursor Indexing & Retrieval

It seems to run automatically every 10 minutes.

Screenshots of:

  • Cursor Settings > Features > Codebase indexing

I have the Index new folders by default toggled ON.


Seems to be confirmed on the Security page:

Every 10 minutes, we check for hash mismatches, and use the Merkle tree to figure out which files have changed and only upload those.


Only for folders though…

yeah, more expensive but that’s the challenge of vectorizing data — it costs more money yet, unless it’s updated it’s not easy to trust it as the source of truth… but yeah…