Keeps crashing every 5 minutes!

Can someone help me with this app. It keeps crashing every 5 minutes. I am unable to submit something in composer and have it generate without crashing. I have deleted the app and reinstalled… I am NOT A PROGRAMMER! Speack to me like a normal person. Yes, I have submitted like 50 crash reports. I am on new Mac with M3 chip.

Please help. Crash code ‘5’

Hey, do you have any extensions installed? Try starting in safe mode with cursor --disable-extensions. If the issue persists, try clearing the cache or reinstalling Cursor by following these guides:

I have cleared as much as I could find, and I still having the same issue.

2025-01-03 18:07:45.850 [info] update#setState disabled
2025-01-03 18:07:45.852 [info] update#ctor - updates are disabled as there is no update URL
2025-01-03 18:08:00.528 [info] Extension host with pid 1707 exited with code: 0, signal: unknown.
2025-01-03 18:08:00.545 [error] [UtilityProcessWorker]: terminated unexpectedly with code 1829687344, signal: unknown
2025-01-03 18:08:24.930 [warning] No ptyHost heartbeat after 6 seconds
2025-01-03 18:09:10.046 [warning] No ptyHost heartbeat after 6 seconds
2025-01-03 18:09:14.348 [error] CodeWindow: renderer process gone (reason: crashed, code: 5)
2025-01-03 18:09:14.689 [info] Extension host with pid 1717 exited with code: 0, signal: unknown.
2025-01-03 18:10:27.663 [warning] No ptyHost heartbeat after 6 seconds
2025-01-03 18:12:43.559 [warning] No ptyHost heartbeat after 6 seconds
2025-01-03 18:15:00.198 [warning] No ptyHost heartbeat after 6 seconds
2025-01-03 18:17:11.647 [error] CodeWindow: renderer process gone (reason: crashed, code: 5)
2025-01-03 18:17:11.937 [info] Extension host with pid 2319 exited with code: 0, signal: unknown.
2025-01-03 18:19:27.576 [error] CodeWindow: renderer process gone (reason: crashed, code: 5)
2025-01-03 18:19:27.868 [info] Extension host with pid 2559 exited with code: 0, signal: unknown.
2025-01-03 18:19:30.155 [error] [UtilityProcessWorker]: terminated unexpectedly with code 1829687344, signal: unknown
2025-01-03 18:21:41.096 [error] CodeWindow: renderer process gone (reason: crashed, code: 5)
2025-01-03 18:21:41.385 [info] Extension host with pid 2769 exited with code: 0, signal: unknown.
2025-01-03 18:21:44.152 [error] [UtilityProcessWorker]: terminated unexpectedly with code 1829687344, signal: unknown
2025-01-03 18:21:48.866 [warning] No ptyHost heartbeat after 6 seconds
2025-01-03 18:25:28.241 [error] CodeWindow: renderer process gone (reason: crashed, code: 5)
2025-01-03 18:25:28.536 [info] Extension host with pid 2948 exited with code: 0, signal: unknown.
2025-01-03 18:26:00.478 [warning] No ptyHost heartbeat after 6 seconds

I realise you’ve probably already tried this, but if you’re on an M3 I’d say it’s likely an extension issue or one that might be fixed after restarting your Mac (I know I know, I’m sorry).

Have you disabled all extensions and restarted your Mac (not just the app)?

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I don’t have any extensions installed. and yes, I have restarted

Sorry about this. You may have already done this but can you try and delete and uninstall the app and then re-download it fresh from our website?

It’s possible you have a version for Mac that runs but isn’t compiled for your M3 chip, therefore causing some issues and crashes.

If that doesn’t help, let me know and we’ll investigate further.

Anyone has the problem solved? I continueously encounter the same problem, even though uninstalled, and re-installed again.

Hey, what’s the error you are seeing when it crashes?

To me it became useless today, i can’t do anything, it just crashes like this.

Hi, is there more context around the crashes you can provide?

  1. What action were you taking when the crash happened? E.g., were you using composer, chat, or just editng a file right when the crash happened?
  2. Were you working with any files larger than 10,000 lines?
  3. Do you have any extensions installed, and if so which?
  4. What version of cursor are you on?